Tuesday, October 27, 2020


Computer system security quiz 7 solution | CSS quiz week 7 solution | KNC -  301 | Prutor.ai | 🔥🔥 - YouTube

 Quiz 7
All files are organized into directories. These
directories are organized into a tree-like structure
called the file system.
Files in Unix System are organized into multi-level
hierarchy structure known as a directory tree. At the
very top of the file system is a directory called
“root” which is represented by a “/”.
Explanation: UNIX provides a three tired file protection system that determines the file access rights i.e. the permissions are dived into three groups as r w x.
An access token is generated by the logon
service when a user logs on to the system and the
credentials provided by the user are authenticated
against the authentication database. The
authentication database contains credential
information required to construct the initial token
for the logon session, including its user id,
primary group id, all other groups it is part of,
and other information.
An access token is an object encapsulating the
security identity of a process or thread. A token
is used to make security decisions and to store
tamper-proof information about some system entity.
While a token is generally used to represent only
security information, it is capable of holding
additional free-form data that can be attached
while the token is being created. Tokens can be
duplicated without special privilege.
Clickjacking is a malicious technique of tricking a
user into clicking on something different from what
the user perceives, thus potentially revealing
confidential information or allowing others to take
control of their computer while clicking on
seemingly innocuous objects, including web pages.
A dictionary attack is a method of breaking into a password-protected computer or server by systematically entering every word in a dictionary as a password.
a brute-force attack consists of an attacker submitting many passwords or passphrases with the hope of eventually guessing correctly.
A rainbow table attack is a type of hacking wherein the perpetrator tries to use a rainbow hash table to crack the passwords stored in a database system. A rainbow table is a hash function used in cryptography for storing important data such as passwords in a database
Chromium browser has the module Browser kernel and
Browser process in separate protection domains.



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